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El desempleo en la Europa de los 27
Los porcentajes de desempleo en 2011 han ido desde el 2,5% de Salzburgo y el Tirol al 30,4% de Andalucía
El desempleo a lo largo y ancho de las diferentes regiones consideradas por Eurostat, 271 NUTS (Unidades Territoriales Estadísticas), es muy diferente. Las de menor cifra de desempleo (Tirol y Salzburgo, ambas con 2,5%, en Austria), Zeeland con un 2,7% en Holanda, y Oberbayern (2,8%), Niederbayern (2,9%) y Friburgo (3%) en Alemania. Y las de mayor desempleo son Andalucía (30,4%) y Canarias (29,7%) en España. Bueno, también en el lejano departamento de Reunión (29,6%) de nacionalidad francesa.
Entre todas las regions, 44 han tenido un desempelo del 4,8% o menor en 2011, la mitade la media de la UE27. En éstas se incluyen 16 regiones alemanas, diez de once en Holanda, ocho de nueve en Bélgica, dos en Italia y una en cada uno de los siguientes países: República Checa, Francia, Rumanía y Reino Unido.
En el otro extremo, 17 regiones han tenido un 19,2% o más , el doble de la media de la UE27: diez en España, cuatro en Francia (ultramar) y tres en Grecia.
Desempleo femenino desde el 2,7% del Tirol al 39,1% en Ceuta
In the EU27 in 2011 the female unemployment rate was slightly higher than the male rate (9.8% compared with 9.5%). This was also evident at regional level, with the female unemployment rate being higher than the male rate in 141 regions, the male rate being higher in 118 regions and the rates being equal in 6 regions.
In 2011, the female unemployment rate varied between 2.7% in Tirol in Austria and 39.1% in Ceuta in Spain, while the male rate ranged from 2.3% in Zeeland in the Netherlands and Salzburg and Tirol in Austria to 29.7% in the Canarias in Spain.
Desempleo juvenil (15-24 años) ha variado desde el 4,3% en Tübingen al 65,8% en Ceuta
In 2011, the average unemployment rate for young people aged between 15 and 24 in the EU27 was 21.4%.
Regional differences in the unemployment rate for young people are however very marked. In the EU27 in 2011, the lowest rates for young people were recorded in the German regions of Tübingen (4.3%), Oberbayern (4.5%) and Freiburg (4.8%), and the highest in Ceuta (65.8%) in Spain and the French Overseas Departments of Réunion (58.5%), and Martinique (56.8%). In more than three quarters of the EU27 regions the unemployment rate for young people was at least twice that for total unemployment.
Desempleados de larga duración (% desempleados con 12 meses o más), desde el 4% en Åland al 82,1% en Guadeloupe
The long-term unemployment share, which is defined as the percentage of unemployed persons who have been unemployed for 12 months or more, stood at 43.1% on average in the EU27 in 2011, and varied significantly across the regions. In the EU27 in 2011, the lowest shares of long-term unemployed were recorded in Åland (4.0%) in Finland, Bucureşti-Ilfov (5.3%) in Romania, North Eastern Scotland (10.0%) in the United Kingdom and Tirol (13.1%) and Salzburg (13.5%) in Austria, and the highest in the French Overseas Departments of Guadeloupe (82.1%), Guyane (77.6%) and Martinique (76.8%). In 60 regions more than half of the unemployed had been out of work for at least 12 months.
FUENTE: Eurostat (PDF)
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